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Astrological Soul Readings

Having been a student of Astrology for over 20 years, I began providing deeper insights into one's Starseed Soul's Blueprint in 2020. These readings provided an alternative view point of the higher octave perspective of one's incarnation at this time. With that, I was able to see into one's past lifetimes, karmic patterns, family themes, and Earth based missions. My intention & work with astrology has never been literally based on the physical planets or the stars, it has been archetypal and psycho-spiritual. Even our Galactic connections and origins are from a distant past or distant future, and with time, the cosmic skies change directional axis, and so do zodiacal calendars.

For that reason I practice Western Tropical Astrology which is based on the Solstices, Equinoxes and the Solar Pathways. This is not to say that other modes of astrology are wrong, as I appreciate the buffet of perspectives that we are offered on our journey  through cosmic awareness and awakening. Below are some themes that I cover in my readings.

As I have shifted, so has my work. I only offer one-on-one Zoom Sessions now that can be booked through my calendar below.

I hope you find what you're looking for and that I can be of service on that search for truth & healing.

Cosmic Love & Earthly Blessings

This reading goes straight to the heart of the matter to uncover your life's purpose or destiny's design. This will be calculated using both Western Tropical analysis as well as Human Design fundamentals. This combines a Natal with Human Design  fundamentals as well as an introduction to the Gene Keys. You will be given pdfs of both along with a recorded mp3 of our session together.


An integrated report that looks at your Galactic and Starseed connections and origins. This is your Cosmic Blueprint as it pertains to your astrological natal chart. This combines various galactic markings and the fixed star system to take a look at your cosmic connections and genetic composition as well as where you may have traveled in extraterrestrial forms off of this planet and into other star systems.

Natal Chart

Life Purpose
& Lessons

Galactic Lineage
& Heritage Investigation

This is a customized, professionally crafted analysis of your natal chart in all it's splendor. For accuracy, both birth time & place are required. This is a map of your soul's blueprint for the life you chose this time, the themes you may have brought in from other lifetimes, and can contain very vital information to accelerate your evolution on this planet. You will be given pdfs of both along with a recorded mp3 of our session together.

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Synergy in

Friendship, family or professional relationships can play an enormous role in our growth and development, inviting challenges and opportunities for self-discovery along the way. Both Natal charts will be analyzed alongside Composite and Synastry Charts which will portray the combined picture of the nature of the relationship.

You will be given pdfs of both

people along with a recorded mp3 of the session. It is recommended to book a longer session with this one.

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Your Solar Return
Interpretation Reading

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Both a natal and predictive reading rolled into one. A snapshot of the skies as the sun returns to its natal placement, or where it was when you were born. The chart then rotates to a new axis point highlighting an opportunity for growth and evolution. This portrays a predictive potential for the year ahead. Greater accuracy is dependent on the exact location of where your birthday will be spent that year. Perfect if you book a reading close to your birthday. This comes with pre-recorded mp3 and a pdf.


Booking Your Astrology Session


Live Session

I thoroughly prepare for our session by reviewing your charts hours ahead of time. When scheduling your session, please indicate any of the topics listed above that you'd like to focus on in greater depth. Otherwise, I will provide the information I am guided to provide for you during that time.


Live Session

I thoroughly prepare for our session by reviewing your charts hours ahead of time. When scheduling your session, please indicate any of the topics listed above that you'd like to focus on in greater depth. Otherwise, I will provide the information I am guided to provide for you during that time.


Vibe Check

This is a complimentary meeting time if you want to talk  to me before deciding to book a session or directly following a session. This time is a chance for you to ask questions or share any thoughts, concerns or experiences that could be useful.



This is a specific chart pulled based on your sun's return to its exact degree point, also known as your birthday, and the 10 hours of power surrounding that point. This comes with an auto-generated 27+ page report translating and describing the upcoming energies of the year as seen in the chart. 

"The starseed reading was amazing! So full of new information and useful tools that I could start using in my Starseed journey. I definitely feel like Miyara is very gifted in reading her clients' energy"

Liz Dumanoir

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Thank you, I so appreciate it!

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